Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pasta Perils: The End Result

Well, two months of off-again-on-again painstaking labor later and it's finally done. Compressed and edited on September 29, 2009. Not in that order. Courtney, I hope you're happy.

Actually, it's better with the sound. I got so sick of looking at it and quite frankly thought it sucked for a while and then I put the sound in. It's amazing what a well-timed eraser squeak can do for a piece. And I really like how the end credits turned out. It timed itself pretty well for some stock musical piece that I yanked off of sounddogs.

The big-screen premiere is going to be at tomorrow night's CAS meeting!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wish You Were Here

Darling Montgomery,

Salutations from scenic Crites Hall! I'm taking all Minor courses this quarter, so I won't be seeing you as much as usual, especially once Practicum starts up. I can actually see the water tower from the fourth floor girls' bathroom window. Yes, Crites has them! Lots, in fact. I could honestly get used to it.

Don't cry over that deficiency thing. You'll short-circuit the Cintiqs and Anthony will explode again. There's always CAS, and until I have to begin Practicum you can bet your water tower I will be visiting. Constantly. After all, I have a projects I want to get done. Pasta Perils is coming along nicely. It's nearly all rough-inbetweened now. Expect a finished product about the same length as Finals Week.

Poor Troy doesn't get even half the screen time Debber does. A Timely Warning clocked in at 18 seconds. But on the other hand, it's actually done. And Jacquestar is going to be epic once that goes through.

I will be seeing you soon, and do I mean soon.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A la Prochaine, O Great and Powerful Television

Tomorrow morning I have to give John his TV back. I'm fairly certain there will be an empty hole in my heart for the next few days, as I am now going to have to walk about ten feet from my apartment to borrow it if I feel like playing Final Fantasy II again. OH TELLY I'M GONNA MISS YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU....

Eh, if anything the lack of a television will probably mean I'll be drawing more. Or I'll just be at John's all the time playing video games there.

And speaking of games, everyone who's anyone should play the Professor Layton series. It gives you all the fun of a good game without that feeling of slackerishness that usually comes with it. Plus the color, art style, and animation aren't half bad for a DS game either.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Last Pencil Test of the Summer

The cuts need work. I should've known better than to try and live up to Goofy. And even Goofy could use some improvement.