Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hypnotic Washing Machines

So the dorms got new washing machines this week.

They invested in the kind that opens in the front and lets you watch all your clothes spin around while the machine runs, and it makes me wish I weren't graduating quite so soon because I feel like I'm missing out on something spectacular. Honestly, I didn't want to leave the laundry room while the machine was running simply because it was just asking for me to stare at it for hours on end.

Nothing takes the edge off midterms quite like spinning laundry does.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Business Card Designs

I have done it! I've found the most cost and time-efficient means of printing out double-sided business cards and it serves its purpose quite well. Adobe InDesign rocks.

In other news, I am now working on effects animation for two very high-end, high profile SCAD productions: Base14's latest project, in which I did a series of water splashes that I am very proud of, and Matt Doering's senior project, where I'm animating two shots of shadows. I really do love effects animation, working through this stuff has been a breeze. Especially the splashes, which I'm cleaning up and coloring. I wish I could post that stuff up here, but seeing as these are high-end, festival-quality projects, we've got to make sure to keep this stuff under wraps. As soon as they hit the online airwaves, there will be links!